I see a lot of potential for this technology, especially in tele medicine, education etc. The doctor comes to the patient no matter whereever the patient is. This might become the standard for conducting board meetings. This also means, greater sharing of resources. Let's say, a Harvard professor can teach a bigger audience. More companies can get a Guy Kawasaki on their board of directors.
Image via WikipediaI admire Cisco. They as a company have shown tremendous commitment to the emerging markets like India. They have moved 20% of their senior management to the Bangalore globalization centre. The above video is from their global conference call done from Bangalore.
"We have to be here," Elfrink, Cisco's chief globalisation officer says. "If we are not here, someone else will be. You have a billion people here, a billion people in China, 300 million people in Indonesia - all of whom will start consuming and enjoying life. If we don't understand these economies and cultures, how can we be a
From BT: A decade after coming to India for cost, Cisco now sees it as a second global HQ. Here are the company’s plans:
* Move senior management, beginning with Wim Elfrink, to its Globalisation Centre East in Bangalore to manage the transition
* Have business units based and run entirely from India; these will be new entities, and not relocated from the US or Europe
* Address economies in a five-hour flight span from Bangalore from the globalisation centre
* Sell the idea of operating a second global HQ internally and look for more senior and middle managers to make the transition
* Change Cisco’s work culture from ‘command and conquer,’ where the US headquarters dictates strategy to one of collaboration, where senior executives are allowed to run their businesses almost autonomously
* Build middle management bandwidth internally to allow local employees to eventually take over entire global business units headquartered from Bangalore
* Have business units focus on large opportunities domestically and in proximate markets like Saudi Arabia and focus R&D efforts on developing solutions for these economies
Hats off to Cisco!