Friday, 5 December 2008

Mumbai Terrorist Attack Protests: Politicians Change We Need!

The pictures of the protests held in Mumbai over the devastating terrorist attacks are spreading virally. A glance at these pictures will tell you how pissed off are the Indian public with the politicians in the country.
Indians are Angry!
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This protests sends out a very strong message to the Indian politicians. No more convoluted logics, No more theories, No more hypocracies.. You need to act.. The life of Indians doesn't come cheap. Learn from other politicians in the world - country comes first and then his/her own party... Look at the acceptance speech made by McCain. He said: "From now onwards, Obama is my President. Dear President, Lead us". Hard to think off something like that in India.

No where in the world would you see a person responsible for attacking the Parliament- pinnacle of democracy, the largest democracy in the world, is fed at the government's expense. Indonesia, one of the largest muslim country in the world, hanged the muslim terrorists who were responsible for the Bali bombings. India, is so "secular" that despite its policmen died protecting the parliment, despite the surpreme court ruling, it only sees the religion of the conspirator and protects him. Terrorists have no religion. When will any of the politicians learn that? Surprised? says, Arun Shourie- an excellent article.

Enough of this nonsense. Please do not force us to take weapons for our own safety. If you cannot provide safety for us, we will. Indian politician, we dont know how pathetic you have become. This protests is a warning. Learn from it and Change. Change We Need!

Note: The Mumbai protests have been remarkable with the shear number of people who participated. Bloggers of Mumbai played a big role in it. As Rasmi says, Keep the candle burning. By the way, I really liked slide 11!

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